2654 Red Cliffs Dr, Saint George, UT 84790  [ directions ]    Fr. Mykel Giannakakos    (951) 345-3003   frmykel.stgeorge@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting the St. George Orthodox Christian Mission website. We hope you find our site informative and edifying. We also invite you to join us for one of our liturgical services – services that have been part of the worshiping tradition of apostolic Christianity since the era of the “early Christian Church."

Our parish is part of the ancient Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch where St. Luke in the Book of Acts tells us the believers were mockingly called “Christians” for the first time (Acts 11:26). We are part of the global Eastern Orthodox Church community which includes national churches in traditionally Orthodox countries like Russia, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and the Middle East; but also in Japan, China, India, the Philippines; throughout Europe including Germany, France, Poland, Finland, across the British Isles; throughout the African continent including Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa; and across North, Central and South America.  There are over 250 million Eastern Orthodox Christians in the world today and over 1 million in the United States. 

St. George is a young but growing faith community with congregants from diverse religious and non-religious backgrounds, as well as ages, ethnicities, and cultures. However, we have all been called out of the world to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and have begun that process by being initiated into the Body of Christ; the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Orthodox Church. It is here where we work out our salvation in the fear of God, with faith and love, drawing near to Him, and raising our families in accordance with the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ and the sacred, apostolic Holy Tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

We invite everyone to come and see the truth and beauty of Holy Orthodoxy! Whether you are personally seeking the historically grounded, true Church of Christ, or would simply like to learn more and appreciate the immense beauty of the Orthodox Church, all are welcome. Please take some time to view our service schedule to see opportunities for worship and a visit, or else please feel free to contact our Proistamenos (pastor/priest), Fr. Mykel (Michael), to schedule a meeting, conversation, or tour about Orthodoxy or your faith in God in general.

The blessing of the Lord and His mercy be upon you through His divine grace and love for mankind! Amen.

Orthodox Village Project ( Southern Utah )
Experience the serene beauty of "Orthodox Village," a visionary project that includes a church, a gateway center, and the great hall. Click on the photo to the left to immerse yourself in a high-quality fly-thru render that brings this architectural masterpiece to life. Witness how tradition and modernity blend harmoniously in our captivating virtual tour.

The Church design marks the first time the triad design has been built in the western United States. This unique architecture is registered in the Library of Congress and draws inspiration from the iconic Agia Sofia in modern-day Turkey. Don't miss this chance to explore a blend of historical significance and innovative construction.

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Today's Scripture Readings
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Today's Saints
Saint Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch
Saint Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch

Saint Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch, was Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia (ca. 357), and afterwards he was summoned to Antioch by the emperor Constantius to help combat the Arian heresy, and was appointed to that See. Saint Meletius struggled zealously against the Arian error, but through the…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Saint Alexei, Metropolitan of Moscow, Wonderworker of All Russia
Saint Alexei, Metropolitan of Moscow, Wonderworker of All Russia

Saint Alexei, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia the Wonderworker (in the world Eleutherios), was born in the year 1292 (or according to another source, 1304) at Moscow into the family of the noble Theodore Byakont, a descendant of the Chernigov princely line. The Lord revealed to the future…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Saint Meletius, Archbishop of Khar'kov and Akhtyrsk
Saint Meletius, Archbishop of Khar'kov and Akhtyrsk

Saint Meletios, Archbishop of Khar'kov and Akhtyrsk (in the world Michael Ivanovich Leontovich), was born on November 6, 1784 in the village of Stara Stanzhara in the Poltava district. In 1808 Michael Leontovich successfully completed the Ekaterinoslav religious Seminary. Since he was the best…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Venerable Mary (who was called Marinus), and her father, Venerable Eugene, at Alexandria
Venerable Mary (who was called Marinus), and her father, Venerable Eugene, at Alexandria

The Venerable Mary (called Marinus) and her father Eugene, lived at the beginning of the VI century in Bithynia (Bithynίa - in the northwestern region of Asia Minor). When Maria's mother died, her father decided to enter a monastery, but Maria also wished to betroth herself to Christ . But Mary…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Saint Anthony, Patriarch of Constantinople
Saint Anthony, Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Anthony, Patriarch of Constantinople, was a native of Asia, but lived in Constantinople from his youth. He was born around 829 of rich and pious parents. After the death of his mother, he entered a monastery at the age of twelve, where following the example of the igumen, he spent his nights…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Saint Kristo the Gardener of Albania
Saint Kristo the Gardener of Albania

The holy New Martyr Kristo was an Albanian who worked in a vegetable garden. At the age of forty, he decided to go to Constantinople to seek better business opportunities. One day he was negotiating with a Turk who wished to purchase his entire stock of apples, but they were unable to agree on a…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Ivḗron Icon of the Mother of God
Ivḗron Icon of the Mother of God

During the reign of Emperor Theophilos (829-842) the Byzantine Empire was in turmoil because of the heresy of iconoclasm. In accordance with the Emperor’s orders, thousands of soldiers scoured the Empire, searching in every corner, city, and village for any hidden icons. A pious widow living…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Saint Prochorus of Georgia
Saint Prochorus of Georgia

Saint Prochorus the Georgian, a descendant of the noble Shavteli family, was born at the end of the 10th century and grew up in a monastery. When he reached manhood he was ordained a hieromonk and labored for one year at the Lavra of Saint Savva in Jerusalem. Then, with the blessing of his…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Martyr Nicholas (Nikoloz) Dvali in Jerusalem
Martyr Nicholas (Nikoloz) Dvali in Jerusalem

Saint Nikoloz Dvali the Martyr was born at the end of the 13th century to a God-fearing couple who directed his path toward the spiritual life. At the age of twelve Nikoloz traveled to the Klarjeti Wilderness and was tonsured a monk. From there he made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and remained in the…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Saint Bassian of Uglich

Venerable Bassian of Úglich was a disciple of the Saint Paisios of Uglich (+ June 6, 1504). He was born in the village of Rozhalov, located in the Kesovsk volost of the city of Bezhetsky Verkh,1 and he was descended from the family of the Shestikhinsky Princes (their ancestor is the…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Martyr Luke (Luka) of Jerusalem, the Georgian
Martyr Luke (Luka) of Jerusalem, the Georgian

The holy martyr Luka of Jerusalem lived in the 13th century. He was born to an honorable, pious Georgian family by the name of Mukhaisdze. After the repose of Luka’s father, his mother left her children and went to labor at a monastery in Jerusalem. When Luka reached the age of twenty, he…

Read the Life
Troparion & Kontakion
Winning Converts to the Orthodox Faith